Smart Water Management
Under the umbrella of the Adaptation Initiative in Water Sector (AWARe) and in cooperation with the Egyptian Agency for Partnership for Development at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The training program activities entitled "Climate Smart Water Management" in the light of climate change started , The program continues for 3 weeks, from October 22 to November 9, 2023, with participation of 19 trainees from 17 African countries (Togo - Benin - Guineabasau - Cameroon - Djibouti - Namibia - Comoros - South Sudan - Chad - Niger - Burkina Faso - Malawi - Kenya - Madagascar - Zambia - Sierra Leone - Senegal).
The training is conducted by a group of distinguished technical experts from the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation. It includes a group of lectures and field visits to the Climate Center at the Ministry of Agriculture, the Meteorological Authority, and projects of the Ministry of Water Resources.